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Spinach Dumpling Wrapper
Spinach Dumpling Wrapper


菠菜餃子皮的特點是 – 錄色圓形、以及質地厚實光滑 (直徑3.5英寸)。
試試 紐約厨師 Esther Choi 的 【外婆的餃子】食譜。

***含有 3% 的菠菜粉

Contains Wheat 含麦
Kosher 洁食
RAW 生面
Vegetarian 素食

  • Spinach Dumpling Wrapper

    A spinach-infused, green and round-shaped dumpling wrapper (3.5” diameter); for more variety in your dumplings. Try them in Chef Esther Choi’s Vegan Dumplings.

    ***Contains 3% of spinach powder.


A spinach-infused, green and round-shaped dumpling wrapper (3.5” diameter); for more variety in your dumplings. Try them in Chef Esther Choi’s Vegan Dumplings.

***Contains 3% of spinach powder.

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